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Freestyle Catch Refresher

What is catch?
Perhaps the most important part of your pull! It is the initial phase of your freestyle stroke- in which your hand enters the water. The catch starts with a high elbow- this puts your arm into proper position. This part of your catch is the beginning of your underwater pull. Fingertips first and keeping entry at shoulders width will maximize the power in your pull.
Hand Entry
While we are talking about catch we should also touch on proper hand position as it enters the water.
Hand entry is truly all about creating the most efficient entry into the water. Proper entry is a crucial step in setting up your catch and succinctly your pull.
Hands should enter fingertips first
Your hand should be relaxed & look like you've just caught a ball

Drills are often seen as fun or a point in practice to mess around and talk, but improving technique should be top of your priorities no matter your level or age group. Yardage helps you build endurance, but better technique will actually make you faster. Slow down. Focus on what you are doing and in now time you will see results.
Try these...
Closed Fist
Freestyle Catch Up Drill
River Stroke
One Arm At A Time
Doggie Paddle
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