Open Water Swimformation!

Or swimming wild, is the swim discipline of exercising, training, or racing in outdoor bodies of water such as oceans, lakes, and rivers.
Here are a few websites to help get you started...
Swimformation For A Great Open Water Experience
Apply an anti-chafe cream (such as CHUB RUB) before putting on your wet suit.
Large baggies over feet and hands help wetsuits go on more smoothly.
Wash your goggles with baby shampoo before your swim to help stop them from fogging up.
Invest in a tow float- an inflatable swim buoy that will increase your visibility in the water... and a great place to stash your car keys!
Stroke Technique For Swimming In the Wild
Be adaptable. Swimming in the open water is not the same as in the pool. You may not be used to other swimmers being so close, swimming in a wetsuit, or the turbulent side to side of the water. Experiment. Do what works best for you.
Try using a wider, straight arm recovery. It allows for a smoother catch in choppy water, plus it has the added benefit of helping you avoid other swimmers.
Work on breathing more efficiently. Empty you lungs by exhaling into the water before rotating your head. Nearly every aspect of swimming is connected to your core- breathing is no different! Tighten your core when taking a breath. It will help you swim straighter, improve body alignment, and help keep your legs from bowing when taking a breath.
Bi-lateral breathing is a must in open water. It balances your stroke. Teaches you to control your breathing. Helps you swim straighter. Gives you better side to side roll.
Increase your kick to counteract the open water conditions. Try kicking harder as you head into shore, using the waves to garner momentum.
Work on looking ahead in or above the water for markers to follow. You can work on this in the pool using river-stroke to help you transition swimming above and below water.